What are strikes really about? A reply to Dionne Pohler

Nick Driedger and Marianne Garneau respond to an editorial in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix about the strike at the Saskatoon Co-op. In a recent editorial in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Dionne Pohler, a professor at […]

Movie Review: Final Offer (1985)

Organizing Work will be publishing reviews of films, old and new, about unions and organizing. Written by workers  and organizers, these will differ from standard movie reviews: they will  draw out the lessons about organizing, […]

Wobcast #1: Not The Standard Playbook

Introducing Wobcast!  This is a podcast produced out of the Edmonton branch of the IWW.  It is about workplace organizing, with a focus on solidarity unionism. In this first episode, Nick Driedger explains the difference […]