On the fourth anniversary of a strike, Alexis, a server at Ellen’s Stardust Diner in New York, reflects on the action with her coworkers.
Direct action keeps us safe
A restaurant worker describes how he and his coworkers have used direct action to enforce safety protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic
A restaurant job action that changed everything
Heather, then a waitress, brings us this wonderful, gonzo story about a job action in a restaurant in South Carolina in 1988
“It has taken a pandemic to come to this long overdue point”
Workers at Tattersall Distilling in Minneapolis were spurred to form a union by their employer’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizing Work contributor Jean-Carl Elliott interviews a worker in the shop
An organizing dilemma
A restaurant worker reflects on using direct action versus legal strategies for fighting the employer, drawing on his experience organizing at a vegan restaurant in Montreal.
ROC Confidential
Jean-Carl Elliott describes his disillusionment working for Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC), and why non-profits are a dead-end for worker power.
Solidarity and Power in the Face of a Terrified Employer: The IWW campaign at Frite Alors
Frite Alors is a small restaurant franchise in Quebec with about ten locations. In 2015, an organizing campaign began at the Rachel Street location – one of the locations owned by the founder. Here, a […]
Movie Review: The Hand that Feeds (2015)
I’m not so naïve as to say that everything you need to know about organizing in the workplace can be learned in 83 minutes, but whether you’re a seasoned organizer or just a pissed off […]
You Can’t Organize From The Outside: Stella’s
Patrick McGuire recounts a short-lived IWW campaign at a restaurant in Winnipeg in 2002, which has recently hit the headlines again as former staff blow the whistle on ongoing harassment. Interview by Marianne Garneau. Tell […]