Saskatoon Co-op Strike Ends with Two-Tier Contract

After a six-month strike that saw workers walking picket lines in extremely cold temperatures, UFCW Local 1400 has reached an agreement with the Saskatoon Co-op. The deal includes the introduction of a two-tier wage system […]

Why Do Coops Hate Unions?

Marianne Garneau spoke to workers in over a dozen grocery cooperatives across the U.S. and Canada to produce this report on coops’ exploitation of workers and history of union-busting.

What are strikes really about? A reply to Dionne Pohler

Nick Driedger and Marianne Garneau respond to an editorial in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix about the strike at the Saskatoon Co-op. In a recent editorial in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Dionne Pohler, a professor at […]

Grocery workers refuse a two-tier wage system

The Saskatoon Co-op is a consumer cooperative grocery with multiple locations in and around Saskatoon, SK. Workers are represented by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1400. They have been without a contract for two […]