This story, from a small restaurant with majority IWW presence, describes some strategic mistakes that were made around a march on the boss. To me, the story has a particular significance: it is an example […]
Do Solidarity Unions Need to “Go Public”?
MK Lees and Marianne Garneau reexamine whether it is necessary for solidarity unions to declare themselves a union to the boss. This piece originally appeared at Introduction In an election-driven workplace-organizing campaign, going public […]
The IWW Campaign at Whole Foods
Mike Hellman recounts the solidarity union campaign at Whole Foods in the Bay Area, which lasted from 2010-2014. Interview by Marianne Garneau. Tell me how and when you got involved. I was involved from 2010 […]
Boom Without Bust: Solidarity unionism for the long term
MK Lees and Marianne Garneau describe what a solidarity union looks like in the long term, and what it can accomplish. More to the point, they argue against the popular perception that contracts are needed […]
What Solidarity Unionism Also Isn’t (A Reply to Don White)
Healthy debate is the lifeblood of progress, in unions too. Here, we have a spirited rejoinder to the last piece we published, by Don White: “Solidarity Unionism: What it is and what it isn’t.” MK Lees argues […]
Solidarity Unionism: What it is and what it isn’t
Don White clears up a common misconception: solidarity unionism is not just direct action. There is quite a bit of confusion around the definition of solidarity unionism. When I speak to people, long-time IWW members […]
The Stardust Campaign in NYC
One of the features we will run on Organizing Work will be stories of campaigns, from the perspective of the workers and organizers involved. These stories will give a sketch of the workplace, how the […]