An organizer and a worker describe a direct action campaign that won on demands but soon went awry because it hadn’t built a solid foundation.
Wobcast 9: William Z Foster
Nick Driedger discusses the life and ideas of William Z. Foster, taking a critical look at his ideas about “boring from within” and the “militant minority” as it relates to union strategies.
“It’s easier to beg for forgiveness”: NJ Transit workers sick out for Juneteenth
The sickout is a powerful tactic, even when it is unpopular with the public, says Marianne Garneau.
Take action
Owen King talks about the importance of fighting over specific demands early in a campaign.
Rolling the union on
A cruise ship worker describes how he drew on previous union experience to organize a successful collective action to win shore leave.
Useful lessons from a failed collective action
The stumbling blocks to successful collective action are important to be aware of. Here, an IT worker relates a story.
Bartenders bring a manipulative, thieving bully in line
A bartender describes how she and her coworkers stopped tip theft and won pay stubs through a collective confrontation of the boss.
We are measuring the wrong things about the labor movement
Nick Driedger argues that the legal metrics by which unions are measured obscure what is really important; he offers a different set of benchmarks focused on worker power.
Casino workers on strike in Cambodia face down repression
Andrei Komar reports on a strike among casino and hotel workers in Phnom Penh.