CallUs (not the real business name) is a call center in the Midwest with roughly 750 employees. We spoke to three workers who have been part of an organizing effort there at various times. PART […]
You Can’t Hide From Class Struggle: The campaign at Smiling Bear Café
Gaby recounts the story of an organizing campaign at a café in Montréal, where baristas successfully negotiated a raise and benefits. Workers initially avoided identifying as a union, and framed themselves as trying to improve […]
Solidarity and Power in the Face of a Terrified Employer: The IWW campaign at Frite Alors
Frite Alors is a small restaurant franchise in Quebec with about ten locations. In 2015, an organizing campaign began at the Rachel Street location – one of the locations owned by the founder. Here, a […]
Organizing in the Bad Old Days: The Harvest Collective drive, 1998-1999
Patrick McGuire recounts an organizing drive at a grocery coop in Winnipeg in the late 1990s, before the IWW developed its Organizer Training program. I went to a Propagandhi concert in 1993 and decided to […]
Candy store workers speak out
This essay, about organizing at a popular candy store in Halifax called Freak Lunchbox, was distributed yesterday among local cafés and retail establishments by the K’jipuktuk – Halifax IWW. It was written by former employees of the candy […]
Is it worth filing a ULP?
Liss Waters Hyde tells the story of an Unfair Labor Practice complaint filed against the New York IWW which did little to deter the branch from pursuing justice for migrant workers. Filing an Unfair Labor […]
The perils of organizing a hot shop
Brendan Maslauskas Dunn tells the story of an organizing campaign he was involved with at a propane tank facility in 2014 in Clyde, New York. For anyone who has been to an IWW 101 Workplace Organizer […]
“Nothing could save us after that one fatal misstep”
Mario Buda and Luigi Galleani recount a campaign at a Jimmy John’s sandwich shop in Baltimore, from 2013-2015. We think it’s important to learn not only from our successes, but also from the times we […]
“Push for gains, not recognition”: The IWW Campaign at MiniMart
In 1996, when there was little organizing happening in the IWW, workers at a MiniMart in Seattle filed for an election with the IWW. Marianne Garneau interviews Jessica S, one of the committee members. Tell […]